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How to add a <map>-Element to a document using DOM manipulating functions in JavaScript?

I try to add a to an HTML-Document and link it to an image using the following code:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<html lang="de">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function addArea(map, xstart, ystart, xende, yende, idCol, col) {
        area = document.createElement("area");

        area.shape  = "rect";
        area.coords = "" + xstart + ", " + ystart + ", " + xende + ", " + yende + "";
        area.href   = "#" + idCol;
        area.title  = col;
        area.alt    = col;
        area.shape  = "\"rect\"";
        area.coords = "xstart + \", \" + ystart + \", \" + xende + \", \" + yende";
        area.href   = "\"#\" + idCol";
        area.title  = "col";
        area.alt    = "col";

*/      area.setAttribute(
            "alert(\"Color: \" + col); return false;"

        // append the area to the map

    function showMap() {
        idCol = "text";

        // generate the map
        mapCol      = document.createElement("map");
        mapCol.name = "map_" + idCol;
        mapCol.id   = "map_" + idCol;
        addArea(mapCol, 1, 1, 25, 13, idCol, "00FF00");
        addArea(mapCol, 25, 1, 49, 13, idCol, "00FF33");

        imgCol              = document.createElement("img");
        imgCol.src          = "https://www.google.de/images/srpr/logo3w.png";
        imgCol.width        = 275;
        imgCol.height       = 95;
        imgCol.style.border = "1px solid #000";
        imgCol.usemap       = "#name_und_raute_sind_notwendig_bunt_" + idCol;
        imgCol.alt          = "Farbe auswählen";

        imgColArea      = document.createElement("p");

        testcol = "ffffff";
        testlink    = document.createElement("a");
            "alert(\"Color: \" + testcol); return false;"


        alert("map added with " + mapCol.areas.length + " entries.");


<body onLoad="showMap()">
<div id="area"></div>

The image should contain linked areas, that alert a text when clicking on them. Unformtunatly the areas do not show up. Does anyone find my mistake?

First of all, your map identifiers mismatch. Also the property name is useMap , not usemap . Use

imgCol.setAttribute('usemap',"#" + mapCol.name);


imgCol.useMap = "#" + mapCol.name;

instead. You also have to add your map to the document:

/* ... */
/* ... */

JSFiddle demonstration

I'm not sure about this, but I think you should append your MAP -element to the document before assigning children in it. To create new elements differs from creating properties to a non-appended element.

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