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Java Error handling - is it better to throw Exceptions to centralized error handlers?

I've got a decently complex little game going on in Java (solitaire, essentially like the Windows version), but I have yet to do very much error handling.

Almost all of the methods across my classes will end up either getting called by an initial constructor (eventually main()), a paintComponent() method, or a mouse event. So, my question is, is it bad practice to just use "throws Exception" on all of my lower-level methods, and only do a try/catch at my top-level methods to catch ALL the errors at once? (eg 3 try/catches - one for the painting, one for mouse events, one for the main method).

I realize this prevents me from easily dealing with errors on-the-spot, but I don't really plan on doing that anyways. My error handling is going to consist of writing to a log, telling the user, and killing the program. Keeping this in mind, is there anything bad with doing my error handling this way?

It depends on how you want to approach the situation.
If you just want to catch any possible exception and you don't mind about the handler code, you could simply use "throws exception", and there's nothing BAD with it either. It's like a try-catch block that covers all the function.
If you want to write specific code for specific exceptions, you should use try-catch blocks to write appropriate code for each handler.
Based on what you're saying, any caught exception would just notify the user and exit the application. Well, in this case you could just use the first approach. It's not necessarily the BEST approach, and neither is killing the application, however, if that's your strategy you could just use "throws" for each function.
Hope that helps!

If that's all you wan't to do in a case of an error, then it makes perfect sense to do it that way. This eliminates code duplication and scattering of related code. However, if you're thinking of changing how things work in the future (if there's a possibility of this happening), I would suggest to try and push the catch down as far as possible (maybe even eliminating the need for exceptions at all and just logging and exiting right away).

If you use the exception's inner fields (specifically message , which you can set in construction time), you can even eliminate the need for 3 different catch blocks and just use one (depending on your actual actions in case of an error, of course).

I wouldn't - the big reason being that it breaks encapsulation. The reason why this is important in this case is that your error handling code has one of two futures:

  1. Becoming enormous to handle in an informative way every error the program can throw.
  2. Be tiny but not helpful at all: "Some error occurred somewhere".

To my mind, the best structure is to catch the error, log it, alert the user, and exit as far down as possible . There's nothing that says your mouse handling code can't exit, right?

In fact, I would create an error handler class that you can call from just about anywhere, and it handles the notification and logging. Then your exception handlers can just populate it with the message to display/log, and all other code is shared. It will cost you less typing to delegate to this class than adding throws Exception at the end of every function everywhere.

If you must have a top level handler, it should just catch any unexpected runtime errors, so that you can log it and show the user that the program is really quitting for an error, and not just dump to the desktop. All other errors - even if you just want to bail out - should be caught as close to "where the exception has meaning" as possible.

I do the same thing as you are describing most of the time. What you're basically doing is working around the stupid checked exceptions that Java has. It shouldn't even be necessary to add 'throws Exception' everywhere.

If I'm working on an API that other users will use I may create specific exceptions to show what is going on in case they want to handle different exceptions in different ways.

If an error is severe enough to always exit the program, you may be better of throwing a RuntimeException instead. They are used to indicate unrecoverable errors and will avoid problems with putting "throws Exception" everywhere. You should have a handler for RuntimeExceptions anyway to provide a user-friendly error report in case they happen.

If you throw checked exceptions, they should be as specific as possible. Throwing and catching Exception can hide other exceptions that are thrown (including RuntimeExceptions) that you didn't intend and could have been handled differently. If you want to throw a general exception, you can always create your own exception class and throw that instead.

The exception handling can depend on the context so there's not one way to handle everything. If the user clicks a button to open a file and there's an error reading it, then it would be ok to throw an IOException up to the UI layer and display an error message there. On the other hand, an IOException while creating a temporary file could be handled lower down by retrying in another directory.

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