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itext filling table

I need to fill a table with in the first column a number and in the second column certain data from a array.

So it will look like :

1 | Data1

2 | Data2

3 | Data3

What is the best way to add this data.

Usualy you do something like :

 Table table = new Table(3); 
 for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {            
 Cell cell = new Cell("Data " + i);            
 table.addCell(cell); }

Then you get something like :

Data 1 | Data 2 | Data 3

Data 4 | Data 5 | Data 6

Is there a specific way to fill selected cells or do I see it wrong.

Table table = new Table( 2 ); // 2 is the number of columns

table.setWidth( 100 );
table.setDefaultVerticalAlignment( Element.ALIGN_TOP ) ;
table.setCellsFitPage( true );
table.setPadding( 2 );
table.setSpacing( 0 );

for ( int i = 1 ; i <= 3 ; i++ )
     Cell leftCell = new Cell( i );
     Cell rightCell = new Cell( "Data " + i );

     table.addCell( leftCell );
     table.addCell( rightCell );

As a sidenote : the Table class can be found in rather old versions of iText that are not supported anymore. Most recent versions make use of PdfPTable.

I warmly recommend you to upgrade to a more recent version in order to get all the latest features, bug fixes and security fixes.

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