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How to set the application to fullscreen from an Intent, Not from the main activity

My Application Has 4 Tabs, Each tab creates a subview ( intent ) now I have a handler for options/menu button within each intent , of the menu items is "Toggle Fullscreen" this doesn't work as the intent isn't the parent view while the activity containing the TabHost is the parent View, Now I need to know how do I Set the whole app. to FullScreen mode or how to Refer to the Parent Activity to Set the full screen mode through it.

Here's a snippet of my code

    public class MainActivity extends TabActivity {

    public void toggleFullScreen(){
    // This has the code to set App. to full screen

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Intent myIntent = new Intent(this, MywebviewActivity.class);
                .setIndicator("Some Title")
                .setContent( myIntents ));

Now I need to set fullscreen mode from "MywebviewActivity" not from my MainActivity

check this

add this in your webview activity

    Intent i=getIntent();

modify code in your MainActivity as following

Intent myIntent = new Intent(this, MywebviewActivity.class);

 intent.putExtra("isFullScreen", true);

now in onCreate() method of MywebviewActivity write code as following

put "setContentView(R.layout.main);" method below of this code as following :

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Intent intent=getIntent();
    boolean isfullScreen =  intent.getBooleanExtra("isFullScreen", false);

        if(isfullScreen )



not it will work

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