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php substr being ignored

i have a PHP/mySQL question related to virtuemart ecommerce - I've asked on the VM forum but the response is very slow.

I'm using this code to load products from the same category in a product page, its works well but;

<?php   // find all the other products in this category
$q = "SELECT p.product_id, p.product_name, c.category_name, c.category_flypage
   FROM #__{vm}_product p,#__{vm}_product_category_xref pc, #__{vm}_category c
   WHERE p.product_publish='Y' AND pc.product_id = p.product_id AND pc.category_id = c.category_id AND c.category_id = '$category_id' AND p.product_id != '$product_id'
   ORDER BY p.product_name ";
$db = new ps_DB;
$db->query( $q );
if( $db->next_record() )  {
   echo 'Other products in the category "'.$db->f('category_name').'"<br />';
   $flypage = $db->f('category_flypage');
   while( $db->next_record() ) {
      ?><a href="<?php  $sess->purl(URL . "index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=$flypage&product_id=" . $db->f("product_id") . "&category_id=$category_id" ) ?>"><?php $db->p("product_name"); ?></a><br />

But, I cant substr the output of the product name, if I put <?php substr($db->p("product_name"), 0 12) ?> the substr is completely ignored and the whole name is still output - any one know why?

I suspect that $db->p prints the name directly, instead of returning it. You're also missing an echo before substr.. . The code should probably look like this:

<?php echo substr($db->f('product_name'), 0, 12) ?>

Here I assumed that $db->f returns the value of the field, given how it's used in the rest of the code.

substr does not output anything to the browser. The output (echo) call is probably hidden in the method p or purl of the $db object.

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