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I want replace pattern that is matched

i am trying to replace string that is matched see example bellow

    $str="this is going to bold [[this]]";
    echo preg_replace("/[[(.*)]]+/i","<b>$1</b>",$str);

So the output will look like this

this is going to bold this


    $str="bhai bhai *that* -wow- perfect";
    echo preg_replace($find,$rep,$str);

This is showing warning

Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Compilation failed: nothing to repeat at offset 0 in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\page.php on line 7

Try this :

    $str="this is going to bold [[this]]";
    echo preg_replace("/\[\[(.+)\]\]+/i","<b>$1</b>",$str);

Output :

this is going to bold 大胆

Hint :

[ and ] characters are considered special , so you'll have to escape them (like : \\[ , \\] ).


    $str="bhai bhai *that* -wow- perfect";
    echo preg_replace($find,$rep,$str);

Try this on for size

    $str="this is going to bold [[this]]";
    echo preg_replace("/(?:\[\[)(.*?)(?:\]\])/i","<b>$1</b>",$str);

You need to escape the square brackets in your regular expression. The final expression should look something like this:

echo preg_replace('/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/im', '<b>$1</b>', $str);

The square brackets are special characters used for defining a set of characters and thus must be escaped if you wish to match them literally.

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