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Parsing a string made from a LINQ statement to a method

I want to pass only e.Trip of my string.Format to the method referenced in tripChoose . As of now, it tried to pass a string not formatted for the method. If I could just pass the Trip part of the string, it would work. Any suggestions?

private void LoadExpenseListSums()
    var sortedList=
        from e in roster
        group e by e.Trip into expenseCollect
        select new { Trip = expenseCollect.Key, SumAmount = expenseCollect.Sum(e => e.Amount) };
    foreach (var e in sortedList)
        tripChoose.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} | ${1}", e.Trip, e.SumAmount));

It looks like your expenseTotalSelect is an ASP.NET Select control and what you're doing ends up adding an element in the result HTML identified only by text such as:

<select id='expenseTotalSelect'>
    <option>Hawaii | $5000</option>
    <option>London | $4000</option>

In your expenseTotalSelect.Items.Add call you would probably be better off doing the following:

       new ListItem(string.Format("{0} | ${1}", e.Trip, e.SumAmount),e.Trip));

Now you'll get the following when you render to HTML:

<select id='expenseTotalSelect'>
    <option value='Hawaii'>Hawaii | $5000</option>
    <option value='London'>London | $4000</option>

And it will be easier to just reference tripChoose.SelectedItem.Value which will only contain the e.Trip value (Hawaii or London) for this example

Right, now we actually know what we're dealing with, I suspect you want something like this:

private void LoadExpenseListSums()
    var dateSorted =
        from e in roster
        group e by e.Trip into tripGroup
        select new { Trip = tripGroup.Key,
                     Text = string.Format("{0} | ${1}",
                                          tripGroup.Sum(e => e.Amount) };
    tripChoose.DataSource = dateSorted;
    tripChoose.DisplayMember = "Text";
    tripChoose.ValueMember = "Trip";

This makes a few assumptions: ase, - roster is an in-memory collection: if it's not, you'll probably need an AsEnumerable call before the formatting, to make that happen locally - Anonymous types work with data binding; I'm not sure whether that's the case, but I'd hope it is

You then use the SelectedValue member later on to find the trip ID.


(string)tripChoose.SelectedItem.Split('|')[0].Replace(" ", string.Empty)

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