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Apache2 with Zend - looking for .htaccess in wrong location

I've never encountered this problem before. I've a Zend project set up at /home/ashesh/prog/php/commonfloor.com/listinSearch/ and the index.php file is inside ..listingSearch/html/ and so is the .htaccess file. The DocumentRoot inside apache is also set correctly to /home/ashesh/prog/php/commonfloor.com/listinSearch/html/

(Ubuntu 11.10 i386)

Whenever I try accessing through the browser, it should open the homepage but instead it throws up a 403 Forbidden message saying I don't have permissions to access / on the server.

A quick browse through the apache2/error.log file shows something strange:

[Fri Apr 27 11:33:22 2012] [crit] [client] (13)Permission denied: /home/ashesh/prog/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable

Can anyone help? I'm pretty clueless about this and I'm sure it's not a huge fix.

First check folders permissions. It's seems like you created this dir from root (or other account) and apache cant read it.

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