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How to get the data from listview which are not in view?

Hey friends i have use 2 text view now when i fetch data from list view then data which are seen in my phone window are fetched but data which in list view but not view. this data only view when i scroll list but i do not want to scroll and get the all data from list. so please suggest me the solution. and helpers must give some reward point.

使用getAdapter() ,从findViewById()获取项目的View并检索数据。

this can be done if u can get your text information from adapter by using Adapter

myadapter=MyList.getAdapter ;
        View rowview=myadapter.getView(i,null,MyList);

now find textview by its id in rowview after that to chewck whether check box is checked or not then u can maintain booleon type array in custom adapter and maintain evrey checkbox state. This is complete solution of your problem..

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