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C# New Form Creating In A Thread

i have a TCP server app and have a thread for communicating with TCP clients. When i receive a data from a client i want to create a new form by using this data but i can not create the form in a thread. I can easily create the form using button click event.

Where am i wrong?

Thank you.

To avoid such situations, it is better to let the applications original UI-thread handle the creation of new forms and not have multiple UI-threads. Fortunately, you can invoke operations on that thread.

See here on how to do it on WinForms or here to do it in WPF/Silverlight.

Sample code to do the job:

  private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Thread t1 = new Thread(StartMe);
    t1.Name = "Custom Thread";
    t1.IsBackground = true;

private void StartMe()
    //We are switching to main UI thread.
    TextBox1.Invoke(new InvokeDelegate(InvokeMethod), null); 

public void InvokeMethod()
    //This function will be on main thread if called by Control.Invoke/Control.BeginInvoke
    MyForm frm = new MyForm();

You have to change context to the GUI thread somewhere to create the new form - somewhere, you are going to need to BeginInvoke() something.

What kind of server is this - is a 'classic' synchronous server where there is one listening thread and a server<>client thread for each client connection?

You don't want to create the form upon client connect, you only want to create this form when a connected client specifically asks, yes?

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