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WS02ESB proxy service returns <axis2ns2:binary xmlns:axis2ns2=“http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload”>

A service method returns a list of strings, i exposed the service Via WSo2ESB using proxy,

When i invoked the proxy running in the wso2 it returns a <axis2ns2:binary xmlns:axis2ns2="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload"> some encoded string.

am using the Tryit service tool provided by the ws02

Here is the request that it is showing the try-it UI

And the response

<axis2ns2:binary xmlns:axis2ns2="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload">PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiPz4KPHNvYXBlbnY6RW52ZWxvcGUgeG1sbnM6c29hcGVudj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMy8wNS9zb2FwLWVudmVsb3BlIj48c29hcGVudjpIZWFkZXI+PC9zb2FwZW52OkhlYWRlcj48c29hcGVudjpCb2R5Pjwvc29hcGVudjpCb2R5Pjwvc29hcGVudjpFbnZlbG9wZT4=</axis2ns2:binary>

I tried all 3 ways using the SOAP 1.1 endpoint, 1.2 endpoint and plain one.

I am using ws02esb 4.0.3

any help is appreciated.

Looks like it returns a binary response. How did you invoke the service? If you need to debug further, you can use the tcpmon to monitor the request and response.

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