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C# app that does not access sql server db when run with windows task scheduler

I work on an application coded in c# (.net framework 4) and that accesses a database and reads/writes some tables.

When I run the app on the development machine it runs ok (tables are well written). When I run the app on windows server 2003 outside task scheduler, it runs ok (tables are well written). When I run the app on from windows task scheduler, it does not run ok (tables are not written at all).

I tried many accounts, and event the administrator one, to launch the task in task scheduler, but any account does not work.

I must write that an older version of the application runs ok on development machine, on windows server 2003 with/without windows task scheduler (tables are well written).

Any idea ?


The only thing I would recommend is to add lines:


right where actual connection has to be opened and debug the application. With this amount of information there's nothing else to advise.

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