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usernametoken-auth rampart/axis2 1.6.2

I just upgraded to the latest axis2/rampart version and encounter a strange behavior when providing a webservice which requires username-passwort authentification.

up to now, I implemented my own passwordcallback-handler which handled WSPasswordCallbacks of type WSPasswordCallback.USERNAME_TOKEN_UNKNOWN. I looked up the provided user in the DB and checked the given password.

in the latest version, the passwordcallback-usage always seems to be WSPasswordCallback.USERNAME_TOKEN where I have to provide the password for the given user - but I'm not able to provide the password, because I don't store the passwords plaintext. do I have to write my own org.apache.ws.security.validate.UsernameTokenValidator? where do I have to register it?

我在这里就Stackoverflow撰写了关于遇到此问题的摘要,以及针对此问题而找到的解决方法, 请在此处阅读

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