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How to execute finish and then another command from inside commands?

This is a reduced example of the structure of my code:

void increment(int j);

int main()
  int i = 0;

  while(1) {
    i = increment(i);

  return 0;

int increment(int j)
  return j + 1;

And here is the corresponding GDB script:

b increment
command 1
print i

The problem is that the finish command prevents the commands that come after it (namely print i and continue ) to not be called.

Is there a way to tell GDB to print i right after any increment call?

You can apparently work around this bug by wrapping all the commands in a single python invocation eg

(gdb) break doSomething
Breakpoint 1 at 0x400478: file iter.c, line 5.
(gdb) commands
Type commands for breakpoint(s) 1, one per line.
End with a line saying just "end".
>python gdb.execute("print i"); gdb.execute("finish"); gdb.execute("print i");

Breakpoint 1, doSomething () at iter.c:5
5     while (i < 5)
$1 = 0
main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe178) at iter.c:13
13    return 0;
$2 = 5

edit: a 2nd work around that doesn't require python appears to be defining a new gdb command and running that in commands:

define foo
print *i
set $addrOfI = i
print *$addrOfI

break doSomething

The problem is that finish seems to stop abort the commands set for the first breakpoint after it.

This is expected behavior: any command that resumes the inferior (being debugged) process (as finish does) also stops the execution of canned command sequence.


See also this GDB bug report .

Is there a way to tell GDB to print i right after any increment call?


  1. Diassemble increment routine using disas command. Find ret instruction at the end of it (there will only be one).
  2. Set a breakpoint on that instruction, using break *0xNNNNN syntax.
  3. Attach a command to that breakpoint:

     command N print $rax # or $eax if you are on 32-bit x86 platform continue end 

Voila: you should get values being returned from increment() printed (just before being returned).

Alternatively to @Matt answer, and if you use GDB 7.4, you can use FinishBreakpoints, with something like (untested -- I'm not sure that comments are accepted here):

(gdb) python #first defined the class
class MyFinishBreakpoint (gdb.FinishBreakpoint):
    def stop (self):
        print "%s" % gdb.parse_and_eval("i")
        return False # don't want to stop
(gdb) break doSomething
(gdb) commands
# then set the FinishBreakpoint silently
py MyFinishBreakpoint()

(and a link to the documentation )

Have you actually tried to compile this? Your increment() function is declared void , but needs to be int . After changing that, it worked fine for me:

% gdb test
GNU gdb (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.3-0ubuntu2) 7.3-2011.08
Reading symbols from test...done.
(gdb) b increment 
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4004bb: file test.c, line 5.
(gdb) r
Starting program: test 

Breakpoint 1, increment (j=0) at test.c:5
5               return j+1;
(gdb) fin
Run till exit from #0  increment (j=0) at test.c:5
0x00000000004004dc in main () at test.c:11
11                      i = increment(i);
Value returned is $1 = 1
(gdb) n
12              }
(gdb) p i
$2 = 1

GDB breakpoint command lists are limited in that they ignore any command after the first stepping/continue command (as of March, 2017, GDB 7.12). This is documented in the GDB manual where this motivated with the current implementation not being capable to execute two command lists at the same time (cf. GDB #10852 - command sequences interrupted unexpectedly ).

This limitation is only enforced with a stepping/continue command directly present in a command list. Thus, one can hack around this - but the limitation still applies and eg the GDB manual warns in the Python API Section : 'You should not alter the execution state of the inferior (ie, step, next, etc.)'

Thus, when the need arises to execute GDB commands on function entry and function exit, the reliable solution is to use multiple breakpoints and split the command lists. That means that additional breakpoints need to be set for each return instruction of the function under investigation.

This can be done similar to:

(gdb) b my_function
(gdb) commands
printf "my_function: %d -> ", j
(gdb) set pagination off
(gdb) set logging file gdb.log
(gdb) set logging overwrite on
(gdb) set logging on
(gdb) disas my_function
(gdb) set logging off
(gdb) shell grep ret gdb.log
0x00007ffff76ad095 <+245>:  retq
(gdb) b *0x00007ffff76ad095
(gdb) commands
printf "%lu\n", $rax

What register contains the return value depends on the calling conventions and is architecture dependent. On x86-64 it is in $rax . Other choices are $eax on x86-32, $o0 on SPARC, $r0 on ARM etc.

The creation of the additional breakpoints can be automated in GDB using its scripting support.


Recent GDB versions come with a Python API that is well suited for this automation. GDB packages provided by distributions usually enable Python support, by default.

As a first example, automatically set breakpoints on each ret instruction of a given function:

(gdb) py fn='myfunc'; list(map(lambda l: gdb.execute('b *{}'.format(l[0])), \
    filter(lambda l : l[2].startswith('ret'), map(lambda s : s.split(), \
        gdb.execute('disas '+fn, to_string=True).splitlines()))))

(assumes GDB was compiled with Python3 support, eg the Fedora 25 one)

For automating the creation of breakpoints that print the return value (ie the value of register $rax ) and then continue the gdb.Breakpoint class needs to be subclassed:

class RBP(gdb.Breakpoint):
  def stop(self):
    return False


Then a breakpoint can be created like this:

py RBP('*0x000055555555894e')

Combining both steps for creating a new custom command:

class Pret_Cmd(gdb.Command):
  '''print return value via breakpoint command

  def __init__(self):
    super().__init__('pret', gdb.COMMAND_BREAKPOINTS)

  def install(self, fn):
    for l in filter(lambda l : l[2].startswith('ret'),
        map(lambda s : s.split(),
            gdb.execute('disas '+fn, to_string=True).splitlines())):

  def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):


Example of using this new command:

(gdb) help breakpoints
(gdb) help pret
(gdb) pret myfunc


In case you don't like Python and/or have a GDB that has Python support disabled - but Guile support enabled - one can also automatically set the breakpoints via Guile.

The custom command definition in Guile:

(gdb) gu (use-modules (gdb))
(gdb) gu
  (make-command "pret" #:command-class COMMAND_BREAKPOINTS #:doc
    "print return value via breakpoint command\n\npret FUNCTION"
    (lambda (fn)
      (map (lambda (x)
             (let ((bp (make-breakpoint (string-append "*" x))))
               (register-breakpoint! bp)
                 (lambda (x)
                   (display (parse-and-eval "$rax"))
           (map (lambda (x) (list-ref x 0))
                  (lambda (x)
                    (and (not (null? x))
                         (string-prefix? "ret" (list-ref x 2))))
                  (map (lambda (x) (string-tokenize x))
                           (string-append "disas " fn)


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