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Redirect expect stdin to spawn call

Is there a way to redirect stdin sent to expect such that it is fed to a spawn call within expect? In my example below I am embedding expect within a shell function to which I want to pipe another shell script via heredoc and supressing the output by capturing it to a shell variable.

    psshstdin() {
      local user=$1 pass=$2 hosts=$3
      out=$(expect -c '
      set timeout 15
      spawn pssh -i -h '"$hosts"' -p 100 -l '"$user"' -A -o ./ -x-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no <EXPECT_STDIN_HERE
      expect "assword:" { send '\""$pass\r\""' }
    echo "hello"
    echo "world"

SOLUTION: I had to post this here since I don't have enough reputation points to answer my own question so quickly.

I was able to resolve it by trying the same techniques applied in this issue . I didn't think that solution was applicable initially, but it was. The working code is shown below.

psshstdin() {
  local user=$1 pass=$2 hosts=$3
out=$(expect -c '
set timeout 30
spawn pssh -I -h '"$hosts"' -p 100 -l '"$user"' -A -o ./ -x-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no
while {[gets stdin line] != -1} {
  send "$line\n"
send \004
expect "assword:" { send '\""$pass\r\""' }
expect {
    exit 0
  default {
    exit 1

I can call it with something like:

psshstdin myusername mypassword ssh_hosts_file<<EOF
echo "hello"
echo "world"

You can capture stdin to a variable with stdin=$(cat -)

Update: let expect collect the stdin:

untested, but perhaps:

psshstdin() {
  local user=$1 pass=$2 hosts=$3
  out=$(expect -c '
    set stdin [read stdin]
    puts "debug: sending the following stdin to pssh:\n$stdin\n--END--"
    set timeout 15
    spawn echo "$stdin" | pssh -i -h '"$hosts"' -p 100 -l '"$user"' -A -o ./ -x-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no
    expect "assword:" { send "'"$pass"'\r" }
echo "hello"
echo "world"

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