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Faking a virtual templated function c++

I realize that virtual template functions are not allowed in c++. Because of my specific application domain, we deal with sets of algorithms (natural for implementation through polymorphism and inheritance) and need to enforce a common interface. Particular algorithmic classes work over iterators (not surprising), however we would like to fake virtualization through these templated functions. Here is an example of a solution we came up with using boost::mpl. I realize this is lengthy, but this is a minimal code example that I could create to simulate what I am aiming for. My specific question follows after the code.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>

using namespace std;

class A;
class B;
class C;

typedef boost::mpl::list<B, C> DerivedClassList; 

template<typename Base, typename Iterator>
struct VirtualFunc{
    VirtualFunc(Base* _memory, Iterator _begin, Iterator _end) : 
      m_memory(_memory), m_begin(_begin), m_end(_end){}

    template<typename T>
      void operator()(T& _t) {
        T* tptr = dynamic_cast<T*>(m_memory);
        if(tptr != NULL){
          tptr->Print(m_begin, m_end);

    Base* m_memory;
    Iterator m_begin, m_end;

class A{
    virtual ~A(){}

    template<typename Iterator>
      void Print(Iterator _begin, Iterator _end){
        boost::mpl::for_each<DerivedClassList>(VirtualFunc<A, Iterator>(this, _begin, _end));

class B : public A {
    virtual ~B(){}

    template<typename Iterator>
      void Print(Iterator _begin, Iterator _end){
        cout << "Begin::" << *_begin << endl;

class C : public A {
    virtual ~C(){}

    template<typename Iterator>
      void Print(Iterator _begin, Iterator _end){
        for(Iterator it = _begin; it!=_end; it++)
          cout << "Iterator::" << *it << endl;

int main(){
  vector<size_t> numbers;
  for(size_t i = 0; i<5; i++)

  A* printBegin = new B();
  A* printAll = new C();
  //faking virtualism will print just begin
  printBegin->Print(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
  //faking virtualism will print all
  printAll->Print(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());

So what is the pitfalls of this "fake virtual" templated functions? Is there a better more concise way to do this?

Also excuse the code standards, they are what we use at my workplace.

Why not replace with classic double dispatch pattern. It seems that you know your class hierarchy at the base level - so I would use the following. It is well known, Visitor or DoubleDispatch pattern and eliminate the non efficient dynamic_cast. Frankly - if I see dynamic_cast<> I always think about double-dispatch,

Known clasees:

class A;
class B;
class C;

Start point of virtual-ism:

class IVirtualFunc {
    virtual void callFor(B& memory) = 0;
    virtual void callFor(C& memory) = 0;

Implementation for the template argument:

template<typename Iterator>
class VirtualFunc : public IVirtualFunc {
    VirtualFunc (Iterator _begin, Iterator _end) : begin(_begin), end(_end) {}
    virtual void callFor(B& memory);
    virtual void callFor(C& memory);
    Iterator begin;
    Iterator end;   

The abstract base class for the actual implementations:

class A{
    template<typename Iterator>
    void Print(Iterator _begin, Iterator _end) {
        VirtualFunc<Iterator> vFunc(_begin, _end);
    virtual void dispatch(IVirtualFunc&) = 0;   

First actual implementation with double dispatch for it ( VirtualFunc<Iterator>::callFor(B& b) ):

class B : public A {
    virtual ~B(){}

    template<typename Iterator>
      void Print(Iterator _begin, Iterator _end){
        cout << "Begin::" << *_begin << endl;
    virtual void dispatch(IVirtualFunc& vf) { vf.callFor(*this); }   

template<typename Iterator>
void VirtualFunc<Iterator>::callFor(B& b)
     b.Print(begin, end);

Second actual implementation with double dispatch for it ( VirtualFunc<Iterator>::callFor(C& c) ):

class C : public A {
    virtual ~C(){}

    template<typename Iterator>
      void Print(Iterator _begin, Iterator _end){
        for(Iterator it = _begin; it!=_end; it++)
          cout << "Iterator::" << *it << endl;
    virtual void dispatch(IVirtualFunc& vf) { vf.callFor(*this); }   
template<typename Iterator>
void VirtualFunc<Iterator>::callFor(C& c)
     c.Print(begin, end);

And the proof it works:

int main(){
  vector<size_t> numbers;
  for(size_t i = 0; i<5; i++)

  A* printBegin = new B();
  A* printAll = new C();
  //faking virtualism will print just begin
  printBegin->Print(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
  //faking virtualism will print all
  printAll->Print(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());



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