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Examples on using a HWND from C# UserControl in via DirectShow in C++

Does anybody have any simple examples on how to provide C++ code a window that can be used for DirectShow rendering from a C# UserControl?

I am currently able to create a separate and render to a window via a WS_POPUP window and match its size/position to the existing control window I have reserved for the video pane on the WPF control.

As soon as I try to make the window a child of the WPF control or set WS_CHILD on a new or existing window everything stops rendering and I receive no error explaining what is going on.

Ideally I would be able to pass existing HWND from C# through to the C++/DirectShow class and use it there as-is.


Before you ask "Why don't you just... do something different", I need to control DirectShow from C++ and have to display the results via a C# (WPF) control. I have no control over these conditions.

C#/WPF (control reserved) <---> C++/CLI <---> C++/HWND/DirectShow

The best way of achieving this would be to use VMR in the windowless mode. The following snippet of code illustrates this(This is for working code. I have removed error checks etc but should give you an idea):

    m_VMR->QueryInterface(IID_IVMRWindowlessControl9, (void**)&pVMRWindowlessControl);

    //displayWnd is what you pass in from your C# app
    RECT rcDest;
    GetClientRect(displayWnd, &rcDest); 
    hr = pVMRWindowlessControl->SetVideoPosition(NULL, &rcDest); 

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