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cvQueryFrame(capture) always returns null

Does anyone know why I keep getting null frames? I tried skipping the first five and still null.

int _tmain(int argc, char** argv)
CvCapture *capture  = cvCaptureFromFile(argv[1]);

int fps = (int)cvGetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FPS);
IplImage* frame;
cvNamedWindow("video", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
    frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);
    cvShowImage("video", frame);
    char c = cvWaitKey(1000/fps);
    if(c == 33)
cvReleaseCapture( &capture);
cvDestroyWindow( "video" );

return 0;

Video file must UNCOMPRESSED avi! So actually I was getting null frames because cvCapture returned a null because my input video file was not uncompressed.

I use your code for test, then it run well with 'xvid' format video. I think OpenCV 'capture' function maybe process some popular and old format of videos. Video with format "H264" may be not work.

When cvCaptureFromFile() fails it returns NULL , and I suspect it is failing:

CvCapture *capture  = cvCaptureFromFile(argv[1]);
if (!capture)
    // print error, quit application

It usually fails for one of these reasons: either it can't find the file, or OpenCV doesn't know how to open it. For instance, .mkv files are not supported by OpenCV.

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