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JQGrid - JQuery loading data with IE9

I have made one JQgrid which calls Ajax for getting data on loading the page. But in IE9 it is problem that it is not loading data on loading the form but as and when I reload the page then the same process is done and I am able to see the data in grid. Is there any problem with IE9 or in Grid ?It is displaying in all other browsers.

It is displaying blank grid without data.

My grid definition is as below.

                datatype: 'local',
                colNames:['IP Address','Start Time',
                            <% if (isHttpMacFlowOn){%>
                                'MAC Address',
                            <% } %>
                             'Stop Time','Used Time','Effective Session Time','Downloaded Data','Uploaded Data','Total Transfer'],
                colModel :[ 
                    {name:'ip', index:'ip', sorttype:'text'},
                    {name:'starttime', index:'starttime', sorttype:'int',align:"right"},
                    <% if (isHttpMacFlowOn){ %>
                    {name:'macaddress', index:'macaddress',  sorttype:'text', align:"left"},
                    <% } %>
                    {name:'stoptime', index:'stoptime', sorttype:'int',align:"right"},
                    {name:'usedtime', index:'usedtime',  sorttype:'text', align:"right"},       
                    {name:'effectivesession', index:'effectivesession',sorttype:'date', align:"right"},     
                    {name:'download', index:'download', sorttype:'int',align:"right"},
                    {name:'upload', index:'upload',sorttype:'int',align:"right"},
                    {name:'totaltransfer', index:'totaltransfer',sorttype:'int',align:"right"}],
                sortname: 'ip',
                sortorder: "asc",
                viewrecords: true,
                footerrow: true,
                userDataOnFooter: true,
                gridComplete: function call1(){},
                loadComplete: function(data) {
                    var costsum = jQuery("#records").jqGrid('getCol', 'estimatedcost', true, 'sum');
                    var calldurationsum = jQuery("#records").jqGrid('getCol', 'seconds', true, 'sum');
                    var unitssum = jQuery("#records").jqGrid('getCol', 'units', true, 'sum');
                    jQuery("#records").jqGrid('footerData','set', {starttime: 'Total:', estimatedcost: costsum,seconds: calldurationsum,units: unitssum});
                caption:'Internet Usage Details'

Actually there was the problem with the old JQuery package. Which is now resolved in the JQGrid library.

I have also faced the same problem regarding the JQuery 's JQgird with IE9 and now it is resolved.

I downloaded the new package and checked with that thing then it resolved my problem with IE9.

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