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how to get process name and date time stamp in native C++

In Native C++, how can I get the current process Name and date time. I am not a C++ programmer.

In C#, it is very trivial to do it like this:

Process name:


Date Time:


How can they be retrieved in C++ native?

To get the name of the current process you can use GetModuleFileName() :

char exe_path[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, exe_path, MAX_PATH);

You can then extract the part of exe_path after the last \\ character.

To get the current time, you can use std::time() .



void WINAPI GetSystemTime(
  __out  LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime

Parameters: lpSystemTime [out]

A pointer to a SYSTEMTIME structure to receive the current system date and time. The lpSystemTime parameter must not be NULL. Using NULL will result in an access violation.

Return value: This function does not return a value or provide extended error information.

Remarks: To set the current system date and time, use the SetSystemTime function.

Requirements: Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional

Minimum supported server: Windows 2000 Server

Header : Winbase.h (include Windows.h)

Library : Kernel32.lib

DLL : Kernel32.dll


And for process name:

QueryFullProcessImageName function

GetModuleFileNameEx function

Process and Thread Functions can be found here

Process name:

char name[256];

You can also get it from the command-line arguments

And for the date use localtime() from time.h, example here

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