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Where to host a Flask + SQLite3 web app?

I'm trying to host my small personal website online for free, but I can't find a host that supports Python and the use of SQLite3. I've looked at Heroku but using PostgreSQL with Flask (without ORM) is extremely confusing to me. Where can I find a host?

We have a 1-click deploy for flask apps, with full support for sqlite. and there's a free plan:


Dont use Heroku. It doesn't support sqlite3. See their explanation here

也许您可以将Google App Engine与GAE-SQLite一起使用

All you need is a webhost that lets you run fcgi for python and sqlite3. eg dreamhost:



Heroku的免费套餐 (一个网络dyno和5MB共享数据库/月)将非常适合您。

had a very similar question myself (free hosting of a python/flask non-profit site, don't care which DBMS), stumbled here, followed the links, searched myself, in the end I followed the links on this page (it's on pythonplugged) and found that alwaysdata provides a free non-profit plan. I will probably try that myself. YMMV. M

尝试Microsoft Azure,他们为学生提供12个月的免费服务

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