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Removing dynamically added form fields

OK, I'm out of ideas here. I have some JavaScript that was apparently written by someone a while ago. In short, there is a button that calls a JS function. The function is to remove form fields that were added just prior. It works in IE 8 and older, but not in IE9 or FireFox. The function is:

function remove(salNum) {

    var fld
    fld = document.getElementById('salary' + salNum);
    fld.value = 0;



The output in the FireBug console gives and error:

fld is null
fld.value = 0;

What am I missing?

try this in case the element you are trying to remove has already been removed or the html has been altered:

function remove(salNum) {

    var fld
    fld = document.getElementById('salary' + salNum);

// check for element existance
if( fld ) fld.value = 0;



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