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Web.config error (system.serviceModel)

Any help why this error happens?

Thank you!!!

An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for system.serviceModel/behaviors: Extension element 'cookieManager' cannot be added to this element. Verify that the extension is registered in the extension collection at system.serviceModel/extensions/behaviorExtensions. Parameter name: element


        <behavior name="EnableCookieManager">
        <add name="cookieManager" type="App1.Web.Cookie.CookieManagerBehaviorExtension, App1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"/>

This example have been used.

You need to ensure the type name is exactly equivalent to typeof(CookieManagerBehaviorExtension).AssemblyQualifiedName

Also, if you use the WCFService Config Editor to add the behavior extension, you can just browse for the DLL & class and it then sets all the proper information to your configuration file, just in case you got it slightly wrong?

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