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Auto Submit form not working in chrome

I'm having a little issue and I'm not sure how to resolve it. I have a page that auto submits a form and the action of the form is to go to an external url. The form does not auto submit when it is first loaded but it does so if I refresh the page. What's going on here then?

My autosubmit javascript is

<script type="text/javascript">
  window.onload = function()


and my form html is

<form name="subfrm" action="http://www.theexternalwebsite.com" method="post">
<input type="submit" value="Continue with Payment">

I've probably done something really stupid, my excuse is I'm stressed and have to many looming deadlines. Cheers!

right, cracked it. In my form prior to this one I put


so the next page is loaded as a normal http..then it did the redirect as expected!

This works:

    <body onload="document.subfrm.submit()">
        <form name="subfrm" action="http://www.theexternalwebsite.com" 
            <input type="submit" value="Continue with Payment">

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/bensg/1/

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