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Setting constraint for two unique fields in PostgreSQL

I'm new to postgres. I wonder, what is a PostgreSQL way to set a constraint for a couple of unique values (so that each pair would be unique). Should I create an INDEX for bar and baz fields?

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX foo ON table_name(bar, baz);

If not, what is a right way to do that? Thanks in advance.

You can do what you are already thinking of: create a unique constraint on both fields . This way, a unique index will be created behind the scenes, and you will get the behavior you need. Plus, that information can be picked up by information_schema to do some metadata inferring if necessary on the fact that both need to be unique. I would recommend this option. You can also use triggers for this, but a unique constraint is way better for this specific requirement.

If each field needs to be unique unto itself, then create unique indexes on each field. If they need to be unique in combination only, then create a single unique index across both fields.

Don't forget to set each field NOT NULL if it should be. NULLs are never unique, so something like this can happen:

create table test (a int, b int);
create unique index test_a_b_unq on test (a,b);
insert into test values (NULL,1);
insert into test values (NULL,1);

and get no error. Because the two NULLs are not unique.

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