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Regex - Removing Dollar Sign From Text Input

I have a the following onkeyup command to test for, and remove, letters commas and dollar signs:

onkeyup="if (/(?:[a-zA-Z]|\s|,|\$)+/ig.test(this.value)) this.value = this.value.replace(/(?:[a-zA-Z]|\s|,|\$)+/ig,'')"

It works for everything except for the dollar signs.

Can anybody help me out here?

Thanks, Brds


this.value = this.value.replace( /[^0-9]/, '' );

HTML interprets your backslash as escaping the inline html string, not the regex. The following code prints $ .

<body onload='alert("\$");'> // prints '$', not '\$'

You need to escape twice, or move the regex out of the inline html and into a function.

I believe the correct answer is replace \\$ with \\\\$ , as follows:

onkeyup="if (/(?:[a-zA-Z]|\s|,|\\$)+/ig.test(this.value)) this.value = this.value.replace(/(?:[a-zA-Z]|\s|,|\$)+/ig,'')"

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