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Remove Dollar Sign and Decimal Point from Input Post

I have a php form that is for processing payments and I am using js to add a dollar sign and decimal point to the input field. I can't seem to find out how I can then remove the dollar sign and decimal point on submit.

$amount = trim($_POST['amount']);

<div class="input-block">
<label for="amount" class="label_comment"><strong>Donation Amount</strong>*</label>
<input type="text" name="amount" value="<?php echo $_POST['amount']; ?>" placeholder="$" data-stripe="amount" id="amount" required="">

<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.price_format.2.0.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
prefix: '$',
centsSeparator: '.',
thousandsSeparator: ','


You can either use the .unmask() function to get the raw value and set in on a hidden input OR reset your formatting in the onSubmit event .

<form id="yourForm">
  <div class="input-block">
  <label for="amount" class="label_comment"><strong>Donation Amount</strong>*</label>
  <input type="text" name="amount" value="<?php echo $_POST['amount']; ?>" placeholder="$" data-stripe="amount" id="amount" required="">

  <input type="hidden" id="rawAmountField" name="rawAmount" value="" />

Two changes: a hidden field and the #id argument for the -tag. Then you can add like

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#yourForm').submit(function( event ) {

    /* Set the hidden field */

    /* OR reset format like */
      prefix: '',
      centsSeparator: '.',
      thousandsSeparator: ''

I think the best way to handle this would be to use the filter_input() function. It would work like:

$filtered_amount = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'amount', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);

That would strip everything from $_POST['amount'] that isn't a numerical digit. Of course it requires the use of PHP5.2 or greater.

function remove(number) { 

    var tag = number.charAt(0);
        var res = number.slice(1);
        var res = number.slice(0);
    document.formname.roundedfield.value = '$'+ parseInt(res); 

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