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how to convert from timezone 'fromTZ' to 'toTZ' using string fromTZ date?

How do I convert a datestring to a long? I expect the method signature will be public static long convert2(String dateStr,TimeZone fromTz, TimeZone toTz) where dateStr is in the format dd/MM/yyyy .

public static long convert2(String dateStr,TimeZone fromTz, TimeZone toTz)
// Format in which you are getting the date
DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");  
// Set the formater to the timezone in which you are getting the date

// Converting the string date to date
Date date = formatter.parse(dateStr);

// Prints the date in the from time zone timezone. Not required as per the quest. Just for info  

// Set the formatter to use a different timezone  

// Prints the date in the to time zone timezone. Not required as per the quest. Just for info  

// converting the new Timzone date to long as that is what is required
long longDate = date.getTime();

// return the long date.
return longDate;

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