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how do I add an option to a html form dropdown list with javascript

I want this script to add an option to the list.

When you open the list I want the options to be test and hello

What am I doing wrong?

function runList(){
    document.getElementById('list').value = "<option>hello</option>";

Your Options:
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="button" VALUE="Click" onClick="runList()"/>
<SELECT NAME="list" ID="list">

You need to actually add the option object to the dom. I have linked to a fiddle with your example working: http://jsfiddle.net/DS8TG/

Change runList to the following:

function runList(){
  var select = document.getElementById('list');
  select.options[select.options.length] = new Option('Hello', 'Hello');

try out this

var element = document.getElementById('list');
   = new Option('yourText', 'yourValue');
var select = document.getElelmentById('test');
var option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = 'value';

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