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Building a new Application: Java jax-rs ee6 restful web service with a html5 front-end using backbone.js

We are currently evaluating building a new web-application which consists of the following technology:

Back-end: ee6 jax-rs restful web service

Front-end: html5 UI using backbone.js (and various other libraries)

The question is, what is the best way to implement a secure session? Limitations are we cannot use oAuth (due to legacy login service we will be consuming). We need a financial industry level of security.

We are thinking about using HTTPS basic authentication with the rest server (back-end), and use backbone.js's session to elegantly handle the front end.

What are the security implications of adopting this strategy?

When you approach security issues, you must remember that your security is as strong as your weakest link. I hope you fully realize you need to secure all your communication, and not just the login.
Also, what key length are you going to use? 128bit?
I would recommend you to check about SPEGNO .. I think this might assist you.

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