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c++ How do you call a template class function that is overloaded in the derived class, from the derived class?

Is there a way to overload base template class functions in derived classes, and still be able to call the base class function, as described below?

template <class A>
class testBase {

  void insert() {
    // Whatever

class testDerived : public testBase<double> {

  void insert(int a) {
    // something

int main() {

  testDerived B;

  // Compiler doesn't recognize overloaded insert,
  // How do you do this?


The problem you've encountered is called name-hiding .

You can call the base class function by qualifying it by name:


Or by "un-hiding" it, by declaring it in the derived class with a using declaration:

class testDerived : public testBase<double> {
  using testBase<double>::insert;
  void insert(int a) {
    // something


  using testBase<double>::insert;

to the definition of testDerived . This will make the hidden members of the base available in the derived class

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