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usage of (object) in assigning values for hashmap

I saw a piece of java code using Hashmap as follows:

Map indata = new HashMap(12);
//load data
indata.put(“checking”, ((object) new  Double(1.0)));
indata.put(“PURPOSE”, ((object)"2”));

What confuse me is the two useages of "put" method, in which we have ((object) new Double(1.0)) and (object)"2" . What do (object) function here? Any differences between ((object) new Double(1.0)) and (object)"2" ?

It's a cast to Object (note that it's capitalized in Java).

It seems to be pointless here, as the code will compile fine without the cast (since the non-generic version of Map expects Object as the type of both key and value, so passing a String or a Double does not require explicit casting).

Q: What do (object) function here?
A: Its just casting String and Double to Object.

Q: Any differences between ((object) new Double(1.0)) and (object)"2"?

((object) new Double(1.0))  - casting Double into Object
((object)"2”) -  casting String into Object   

Just realized from comments that it should be Object and not object

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