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Can I filter the content of SSL website using WEBrick proxy server

I'm making content filtering proxy server using WEBrick.

Can I change/filter the content of ssl-encrypted page?


here is my code;

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require "webrick"
require "webrick/httpproxy"
require "ruby-debug"

include WEBrick

handler = Proc.new do |req, res|
  # res.body is empty when connecting https
  # I wanna chagne the body...

server = HTTPProxyServer.new(
  :Port => 4545,
  :ProxyVia => false,
  :ProxyContentHandler => handler,

Signal.trap('INT') do


You have to Man-In-The-Middle attack.

WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer does not support MITM natively but you can find some third party MITM proxy implementations based on WEBrick.

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