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How do I send a binary attachment in an email with Java using the JavaMail API?

使用JDK1.5 如何使用JavaMail API 轻松发送二进制附件(如PDF 文件)?

Have you looked at the JavaMail FAQ ? It seems to have little snippets to demonstrate the process (and how to fix a common problem -- running out of memory).

Assuming that you don't want to read some links and don't want any external dependencies, you need to use MimeMultipart and BodyPart:

MimeMultipart messageContent = new MimeMultipart();

BodyPart bodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
DataSource source = new FileDataSource(yourFile);
bodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));

// Then add to your message:

Attaching a body to the messages is just attaching a BodyPart with disposition Part.INLINE

If you want to do it easily I'd suggest using Commons-Email ! It's built on the JavaMail API, but it makes it much simpler.

There is a sample in the User Guide on how to send email with attachments... it's much easier than using the standard JavaMail API!

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