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traverse nested tagnames - selenium automation using webDriver


I have a situation where I need to click on a dropdown list and select any value displayed. The dropdown is identified by the following piece of code

<select id="order_unit_line_rate_806782_is_addenda_enabled" class="selects_for_487886" onchange="select_addendum(806782, this);dateShowMemory(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value, '806782');" uniqueattr="Dynamic Site Accelerator / Dynamic Site Accelerator / Additional Usage Commitment / drop down" name="order_unit_line_rate[806782][is_addenda_enabled]">
    <option value="0" uniqueattr="Dynamic Site Accelerator / Dynamic Site Accelerator / Additional Usage Commitment / Fee"> Fee </option>
    <option value="1" uniqueattr="Dynamic Site Accelerator / Dynamic Site Accelerator / Additional Usage Commitment / See Attached Addendum"> See Attached Addendum </option>

where the "select" and "option" tags are in a nested hierarchy . i am able to click on the dropdown list and display the items by doing this

List<WebElement> dropDownLists = driver.findElements(By.tagName("select"));
for (WebElement l : dropDownLists) { 
    if (l.getAttribute("uniqueattr").equalsIgnoreCase("Dynamic Site Accelerator / Dynamic Site Accelerator / Additional Usage Commitment / drop down")) {
    } // end if
} // end for

But I am unable to traverse further to click on the options in the dropdown :(.

This is what i tried but which is not working

List<WebElement> newList = driver.findElements(By.tagName("option"));
for (WebElement ll : newList) {
    if (ll.getAttribute("uniqueattr").equalsIgnoreCase("Dynamic Site Accelerator / Dynamic Site Accelerator / Additional Usage Commitment / Straight Line Commitment")) {

Retrieve the label, index or value of the option you want to click like this

List<WebElement> dropDownLists = driver.findElements(By.tagName("select"));
for (WebElement l : dropDownLists) 
    List<WebElement> newList = l.findElements(By.tagName("option"));
    for (WebElement ll : newList) 
            if (ll.getAttribute("uniqueattr").equalsIgnoreCase("Dynamic Site Accelerator / Dynamic Site Accelerator / Additional Usage Commitment / Straight Line Commitment")) 
                SelectElement select = new SelectElement(l);

Thats what the Select is for..

do something like:

    Select dropDown = new Select(dropDownElement);
    for (WebElement option : dropDown .getOptions()){

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