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OOP programming in python

I was reading Dietel's C++ programming book. In this book they mention how a programmer should release only the interface part of his code and not the implementation.

So carrying this over to python:

I have 2 files: 1) the implementation file = accountClass.py and 2) the interface file = useAccountClass.py

I have compiled the implementation file and have obtained the .pyc file. So when I provide my code to someone else, I would provide him with the .pyc file and the interface file, right?

Also, if I provide someone else with ONLY the .pyc file, can I expect him to write the interface on his own? I'm going to say no. But there's this one nagging doubt that I have:

The creators of numpy and scipy did not share the implementation with us end users. And I don't think they shared any interfaces either. But we can still search for the different classes and their methods inside both numpy and scipy. So, using this example of numpy and scipy, I guess what I'm trying to ask is:

Is it possible for someone else to create an interface to my code if I provide him/ her with only the compiled implementation file (in this case accountClass.pyc)? How will that person know what classes and methods I have defined in my implementation? I mean, will they use the

if __name__ = "__main__" : 
    blah blah 

or is there some other way??

You got that entirely wrong. Or perhaps it's a horrible book whose author got something seriously wrong. Code using other code should indeed, barring significant counterarguments, adhere to an interface and not care about the details of the implementation. However, even in the world of static compilation to machine code (eg C++), this does not mean you should lock away the source code of the implementation.

Whether someone has access to the implementation, and whether they make use of that knowledge while writing a specific piece of code, are completely different issues. Heck, even the author of the implementation can/should still program to an interface when working on other code (eg other modules). Likewise, even if you lock the implementation away from someone, they may very well rely on implementation quirks which are not part of the interface. If anyone in the world of static compilation to machine code provides only headers and object files, and not the source code, it's because the projects are closed source, not to encourage good programming practices among clients.

In Python, your question makes no sense - there are no "interface" and "implementation" files, there's just code which is run and defines functions, classes, and other values. There is no such thing as an interface file you'd provide. You provide an implementation - and (hopefully) documentation which details both interface and possibly implementation details. And once a module is imported, the class objects, function objects, and other objects, contain plenty of information (including, in many cases, the text from which large parts of the documentation was generated). This is also true for extension modules like numpy. And note that their implementation is accessible, it's just not included in all distributions because it's of little use. With Python code, you practically have to distribute the source code because anything else is platform-specific.

On a side note, .pyc files are pretty high level, and easily understood when disassembled (which is as easy as importing the module and running the stdlib module dis on any function inside). I consider this a minor technicality as it's already the wrong question to ask.

Deitel's advice to C++ programmers doesn't apply to Python, for a number of reasons:

  1. Python isn't compiled to machine code, so no matter what form you provide the program in, it will be relatively easy for someone to read the code.

  2. Python doesn't have .h and .c files, all you can provide is the .py or .pyc files.

  3. Treating code as a secret is kind of silly anyway. What is in your code that you need to keep hidden from others?

Numpy and Scipy are largely implemented in C, which is why you don't have the source, for your own convenience. You can get the source if you like. The "interface" to that code is the module that you can import and then call.

You should not confuse "user interface" with "class interface". If you have a useAccountClass file, that file probably performs some task using the classes and methods defined in the accountClass file, if I understood right.

If you send the file to other person, they are not supposed to "guess" what your compiled class does. That's what DOCUMENTATION is for: a description of the functions contained in the module (compiled or not), which parameters they take, which values they return, and what they are expected to do, the "meaning" of the task they perform.

As an abstract example, let's suppose you have an image processing class. If that class has the function findCircles(image) , the documentation should explain that it takes an image, possibly containing circles, and returns a list or array of coordinates of the centers of circles contained in the image. HOW the circles are detected is not important, you don't need to know that to use the function. Now if the function was called like findCircles(image, gaussian_threshold=10) , the caller would have to know the function uses some "gaussian_threshold" parameter, that is, the caller would NEED to know about the function's entrails, and in OOP this is Not Good. If you decided to use another algorithm in the future, every code using that function would have to be rewritten, because the gaussian_threshold most probably wouldn't make sense anymore.

So, the interface, in OOP, is the abstraction used to communicate to the object only the canonical parameters or inputs it needs to know to perform a task in the language of the problem, not in the language of the implementation (that can change anytime).

The documentation, in this sense, is a contract that assures to the user (in this case, another developer) that the function will perform as expected if sane inputs are given to it.

Now the FINAL USER, a non-technical person wanting to use your program, would need the WHOLE working program (controls and views), not only the class definitions (the model).

Hope this helps, and I must recommend the books "Code Complete 2nd ed." and "Pragmatic Programmer - From Journeyman to Master" as VERY enlightening readings on the broad topic.

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