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SQL IN Clause In Stored Procedure

I have a C# app that passes in the following data:

datasetID = 10; userID = 1; varnames = "'ACT97','ACTCHNG','ACTQTR2','ACTSCOR2'";

The stored procedure is:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[s_LockCheck]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@varNames VARCHAR(max),
@datasetID INT,
@userID INT
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

SELECT COUNT(*) as locked FROM VarLocks WHERE var_name IN (@varNames) AND dataset_id = @datasetID AND user_id != @userID AND is_locked = 1


But when I call it like so, it is returning a count of 0 when it should be higher than that:

exec s_LockCheck "'ACT97','ACTCHNG','ACTQTR2','ACTSCOR2'", 88, 14

Each ACTXXX above is a varname from the column, var_name.

Why isn't it doing the IN Clause correctly?

There are several ways to accomplish this:

  1. Dynamic SQL, as pointed out in this article: http://asheej.blogspot.com/2012/04/how-to-use-ms-sql-in-clause-with.html

  2. Specify each item in variables (this can get quite ugly if you have a lot of 'em):

    @var1 varchar(20), @var2 varchar(20), @var3 varchar(20)

  3. Write a split function to turn the string into a table variable, there are many of them out there. This one is my personal favorite: http://dataeducation.com/faster-more-scalable-sqlclr-string-splitting/

  4. Use a Table Value Parameter (2008): http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/datacenter/passing-table-valued-parameters-in-sql-server-2008/168

  5. Here's a little trick using CHARINDEX (note that this approach is Non-Sargable):

Your string is like so: 'abc,def'

Using CHARINDEX , you pad both the search string and value you want to find within the search string with your delimeter. So using my little example, the string would become ',abc,def,' Notice the extra commas at the beginning and end. Then do the same thing to the field data. If you have commas in your data, you'll have to swap out the delimeter to something else, like char(2), or semi-colons, or whatever.

Then to perform the search:

WHERE CHARINDEX ( ',' + expressionToFind + ',' , ',' + expressionToSearch ',') > 0

The delimeter padding keeps the search from finding "abcabc" but will find "abc", exact match.

If you're using 2005, I'd grab a really fast split function so you can avoid using dynamic SQL.

Your query should use STRING_SPLIT for IN , like this:

SELECT COUNT(*) as locked FROM VarLocks 
WHERE var_name 
IN (SELECT value FROM STRING_SPLIT(@varNames, ',')) 
AND dataset_id = @datasetID 
AND user_id != @userID 
AND is_locked = 1

You had wrong syntax for IN operator: IN (@varNames) and you needed IN (SELECT value FROM STRING_SPLIT(@varNames, ',')) . STRING_SPLIT performs string splitting according to delimiter, which is comma in your case.

pass comma separated string from c#

sql WHERE Location IN (SELECT value FROM STRING_SPLIT(@SearchLocation,'|'))

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