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Getting “newline inside string” while reading the csv file in Python?

I have this utils.py file in Django Architecture:

def range_data(ip):
    r = []
    f = open(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_ROOT, 'static', 'csv ', 
    for num,row in enumerate(csv.reader(f)):
        if row[0] <= ip <= row[1]:
            return r
    return r

Here the ip parameter is just the IPv4 Address, I am using open source MAXMIND GeoIPCountrywhois.csv file.

Some starting content of GeopIOCountrywhois.csv :


I have also read about the issue, But didn't found so much understandable. Would you please help me to solve that error?

According to my method in utils, I am checking country name of paasing parameter IP address to the method.

今天早些时候有类似的问题,一行中缺少一个结束引号,解决方法是指示reader不要对引号字符进行特殊处理( quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE )。

  1. You can preprocess the csv by removing the newline like below.

     import csv content = open("GeoIPCountryWhois.csv", "r").read().replace('\\r\\n','\\n') with open("GeoIPCountryWhois2.csv", "w") as g: g.write(content) 

    Then Use GeoIPCountryWhois2 for csv reader.

  2. A wild Guess using a lineterminator may solve your problem

     for num,row in enumerate(csv.reader(f,lineterminator='\\n')) 

    See also: http://docs.python.org/lib/csv-fmt-params.html

You must open your files as binary:

def range_data(ip):
    r = []
    f = open(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_ROOT, 'static', 'csv ', 
                          'GeoIPCountryWhois.csv'), 'rb')
    for num,row in enumerate(csv.reader(f)):
        # Your things.

Note the 'rb' mode there; otherwise the file could be opened with native line endings, and the CSV reader doesn't handle the various forms very well. Certainly the copy of GeoIPCountryWhois.csv that I downloaded has clean \\n line endings.

This is documented for the .reader() method :

If csvfile is a file object, it must be opened with the 'b' flag on platforms where that makes a difference.

If, however, your csv file is so corrupted as to still contain unexpected newline characters in unexpected places, use this file subclass instead as a stop-gap measure:

class CleanlinesFile(file):
    def next(self):
        line = super(CleanlinesFile, self).next()
        return line.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '') + '\n'

This class guarantees there will be no newlines anywhere in the returned results except as the very last character (just the way the csv module wants it). Use it instead of the open call; the 'rb' mode modifier becomes optional in this case:

def range_data(ip):
    r = []
    f = CleanlinesFile(os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_ROOT, 'static', 'csv ', 
    for num,row in enumerate(csv.reader(f)):
        # Your things.

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