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NetBeans 7.1 - unable change to UI language

I installed NetBeans 7.1 and can't change UI language. I didn't find any option for it. Any suggestions?

--locale on some Windows platforms makes netbeans crash. Preffer to use "-J-Duser.language=en -J-Duser.region=US"

  1. Find netbeans etc, likely at the C:\Program Files\NetBeans 7.3\etc
  2. Open netbeans.conf
  3. Find netbeans_default_options
  4. Add those options, so: netbeans_default_options="blablabla -J-Duser.language=en -J-Duser.region=US"
  5. Save file
  6. Restart/start netbeans.


You may start with the --locale en:US option which sets the interface language.

See the documentation for --locale language[:country[:variant]]: Use the specified locale here http://wiki.netbeans.org/FaqStartupParameters

If you are having problems saving the file:

  1. Transfer the netbeans.conf file to your desktop;
  2. Windows is gonna say you need permission from the administrator, press ok;
  3. Open the netbeans.conf file that is on your desktop WITH NOTEPAD and make the alterations sugested in the video;
  4. Save;
  5. Transfer the file back to etc. folder
  6. Open NetBeans IDE

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