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Java classpath jdbc issue

I have run into crazy problem.

Below is my directory structure

 - src
       Sub - directory are
       - com/abc/www      MyJava.java (Contains the package com.abc.www)
 - lib
       It contains the jar files like sqljdbc4.jar
 - bin
       It contains the class file , that I had compiled the 
       package directory structure created automatically
       - com/abc/www/MyJava.class

I used the below line to compile my code :

java -cp "lib\*" -d bin src\com\abc\www\MyJava.java

It compiled successfully.

Well, now when I m trying to execute my code: cd bin java com.abc.www.MyJava

Unfortunately, it is giving me the below error:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
  at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run (URLClassLoader.java:202)

Any inputs on the same , would be helpful.

Thanks !!!!


java -cp .;bin;lib\sqljdbc4.jar com.abc.www.MyJava

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