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How can I represent inheritance from a template parameter in UML?

Using UML, how can I represent A< Foo > in the following code?

template< class T > 
class A : public T
    /* ... */

class Foo { };

A< Foo > a_foo;

Something like this (apologies for the poor ascii art... and to Jon Skeet ) is my first guess, but I suspect it is not correct.

            |              |
            |              |
            |     Foo      |
            |              |
             /:\  /|\
«bind»(Foo)   :    |
              :    |   .......               
            __:____|___:  T  :
            |          :.....:
            |              |
            |      A       |
            |              |

I am not quite sure if this is perfectly standard but this is the definition of your "A" class when I tried to reverse engineer it using Enterprise Architect:

+-----| T:class |
|     +---------+
|        T |
|   A      |
|          |

just add the name of the template parameter as the parent name of the class.

There is a proposal, by the UML designers, but, its not part of the standard, yet.

If, there wasn't any template parameters, the object "a" of type "A", may be like this:

|        a: A        | 
| [+] doSomething(); |

The object "a", who is a template of "a", with the type parameter "Foo", may be represented like this:

+-----------------| Foo |
|                 +-----+
|        a: A        | 
| [+] doSomething(); |

Note, that, in UML, when you declare a class, they are represented by a rectangle, while specific objects, such "a", are represented by rectangle with round corners. Some people, & tools, doesn't follow the "round corners" specification.


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