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C++ (Logical Copy Constructor) How do I copy an object?

I have a class:

class Person{
    string name;
    int* age;

int main()
    Person* personOne = new Person;
    personOne->name = "Foo";
    personOne->age = new int(10);

    return 0;

How do I create another object of Person that copies all of personOne data? The age pointer needs to be pointing to a new int so whenever the age changes in personOne or personTwo, it doesn't affect each other.

There are two posibilites:

  • copy constructor + assignment operator
  • clone method


class Person{
    Person (const Person& other) : name(other.name), age(new int(*(other.age)))
    Person& operator = (const Person& other)
        name = other.name;
        delete age; //in case it was already allocated
        age = new int(*(other.age))
        return *this;
    Person clone()
        Person p;
        p.name = name;
        p.age = new int(age);
        return p;

    string name;
    int* age;

Answer these before going forward:

  • do you really need an int pointer?
  • are you aware of smart pointers?
  • do you free all memory you allocate?
  • do you initialize all members in the constructor?

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