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ReSharper Unit Test Runner ignores deployment items configuration

I'm using Resharper 6.1 for unit testing a new project and it seems to ignore the the Deployment section of my local.testsettings file.

I tried to configure in "ReSharper -> Options -> Unit testing -> MSTest -> Use this test run configuration" to explicitly use the local.testsettings file, how is suggested in this question: ReSharper Unit Test Runner: Support for Deployment Items , but nothing happens.

Desperately I tried to move the files out of the test project, create another Test Settings file, move the test project to another solution, but still nothing.

Any tips?

This issue (http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-295311) should be fixed in ReSharper 7 here: http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/download/index.html .

Thank you!

This is also a ReSharper-Configuration problem that I encounter myself. May this help you.

When I try to run the application, it get this ReSharper error: "The project to be run with this configuration is not present in the solution"


In Resharper help page, I found the path to the run configurations: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/resharper/2016.2/Run_Configurations.html

ReSharper | Tools | Run Configurations... 在此处输入图片说明

Since the project doesn't exist anymore, I delete that connfiguration:

{Project Name} > Configure > Delete... 在此处输入图片说明

I got the same ReSharper error in VS2019, VS2022:

ReSharper – Failed to execute run configuration

The project to be run with this configuration is not present in the solution.

Turns out that you don't have to necessarily run the project that is problematic. If there is some configuration saved for another project in ReSharper, and that project is not present anymore (for example, you've switched branches or deleted some project from the solution), this error will pop-up. It was my case.

Solution is as described above:

Go to Extensions -> ReSharper -> Tools -> Run configurations… -> nonExistingProject -> Configure -> Delete

This will delete configuration that is preventing ReSharper to work well and blocks your run at the IDE.

Apparently, still not fixed...

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