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ERROR [HY010] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager]

I get this error:

ERROR [HY010] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The driver is incapable of 
supporting the current environment attributes.

when making a IDbConnection.Open()

My machine is Win 7 64, the ODBC is configured as a System DSN using TimesTen client driver.

My collegues have the same setup but never seen the error, we've been trying to solve it for two days, any help is welcome.

The driver is incapable of supporting the current environment attributes.

There are lots of reasons for getting the error but if I were to guess it would probably be because you are using a 64-bit opperating system - you have setup a 64-bit ODBC data source but your application is 32-bit. You need to be 100% sure that your application is the same bit size as your ODBC driver. To setup a 32-bit ODBC driver on a 64-bit machine you need to use the 32-bit ODBC Administrator usually found in


If your application is 64-bit an you can not get a 64-bit ODBC driver you will need to use a product such as the Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge . This allows you to connect a 64-bit application ODBC data source to an existing 32-bit data source or vice versa. There is a large desciption of 64-bit / 32-bit ODBC on the Easysoft web site.

If you have the correct bit size in both application and ODBC data source turn on Microsoft ODBC Tracing and then get in touch with the TimesTen ODBC driver support, they should be able to tell you just what is not supported in the driver.

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