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How to install jvm in oracle?

I am having trouble installing JVM in Oracle

I have attempted installation by running $ORACLE_HOME/javavm/install/initjvm.sql . But it throws error

ORA-06512: 在"SYS.INITJVMAUX", line 15. 

When I look up the package body INITJVMAUX:

procedure exec (x varchar2) as
dbms_output.put_line(substr(x, 1, 250));
execute immediate x;  --line 15

and it's called by

-- Load all the Java classes
begin if initjvmaux.startstep('CREATE_JAVA_SYSTEM') then
  initjvmaux.exec('create or replace java system'); --error
end if; end;

I need some help in getting this installed. The version is Oracle 9i Enterprise Edition Release

Here are the steps that needs to be carried out to re-install the JAVA Virtual Machine.

1.To uninstall (if already installed) the current installation of JAVA Virtual Machine, execute the following scripts at the SQL prompt connected as sys user.

 startup mount; alter system set "_system_trig_enabled" = false scope=memory; alter system enable restricted session; alter database open; @?/rdbms/admin/catnojav.sql @?/xdk/admin/rmxml.sql @?/javavm/install/rmjvm.sql truncate table java$jvm$status;

Once all the above commands have been executed successfully, restart the database. Shutdown of the database is necessary to ensure that the changes are synchronized with the disk after removal of JAVA Virtual Machine.

2.To install the JAVA Virtual Machine execute the following scripts at the SQL prompt connected as sys user.

 startup mount alter system set "_system_trig_enabled" = false scope=memory; alter database open; @?/javavm/install/initjvm.sql @?/xdk/admin/initxml.sql @?/xdk/admin/xmlja.sql @?/rdbms/admin/catjava.sql shutdown immediate;

3.Start the database and resolve any INVALID objects by executing the utlrp.sql script.


Now the JVM should be fully installed and functional.

SQL> select comp_name, version, status from dba_registry;

Please go through Knowlege Mgmt Note ID 757771.1 How to Reload the JVM in 10.1.0.X and 10.2.0.X in Oracle Support (formerly metalink ) to go through a much detailed step by step process (with video) to resolve any issues that you may be facing. This note also consists of several other Notes that resolve different issues.

To install Oracle JVM, log into Oracle with SYSDBA privileges.
run this command in SQL*plus:


And then

SQL> select COMP_NAME, VERSION, STATUS FROM dba_registry

to confirm JVM is installed correctly.

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