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Get the Value of XElements that dont has Child

How can I get the value of a Node in a XDocument when don't has more childs ?


In this case, I wanna get the value of the <Name> and <ID> element, because don't has child elements in them.

I'm trying the follow

protected void LeXMLNode(HttpPostedFile file)
    XmlReader rdr = XmlReader.Create(file.FileName);            
    XDocument doc2 = XDocument.Load(rdr);            

    foreach (var name in doc2.Root.DescendantNodes().OfType<XElement>().Select(x => x.Name).Distinct())
        XElement Contact = (from xml2 in doc2.Descendants(name.ToString())                                    
                            where xml2.Descendants(name.ToString()).Count() == 0
                            select xml2).FirstOrDefault();

        string nome = name.ToString();

but without success, because my foreach pass in all Elements and I wanna get just the value of Elements that don't has childs.

                .Where(item => !item.HasElements).ToList();

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