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Decorator with abstraction, dont get decorated value properly

Im trying to do Decorator Design Pattern and it is what i got:

My base class is an abstract Worker class:

public abstract class Worker
    public float Salary { get; set; }
    public abstract float CountSalary();

Worker is a base class for Driver :

public class Driver : Worker
    public float Salary { get; set; }
    public override float CountSalary() => Salary = 3000;
    //for testing i just hard coded '3000' value

My Decorator is an abstract Bonus class. It decorating worker's salary with bonuses.

public abstract class Bonus : Worker
    public Bonus(Worker worker) => this.worker = worker;
    public override float CountSalary() => worker.Salary;
    protected Worker worker { get; private set; }

public class AmountBonus : Bonus
    public AmountBonus(Worker worker) : base(worker: worker){ }
    public override float CountSalary() => base.worker.Salary + 200;

I make a call of a Decorator in this way in my code:

Worker w = new AmountBonus(new Driver());

And instead of 3200 , new Salary = 200 . Could you tell me, when i make a mistake and i dont get predicted Salary = 3200 ? Why when i make call like this:

Worker w = new AmountBonus(new AmountBonus(new Driver()));

My Salary dont stack to 3400 value?

I have made some modifications to your code :

 public abstract class Worker
    public abstract float Salary { get; } 

public class Driver : Worker
       public class Driver : Worker
    float _salary = 0;
    public Driver(float Salary)
        _salary = Salary;
    public override float Salary { get { return _salary; } } 
    //for testing i just hard coded '3000' value


public abstract class Bonus : Worker
    public Bonus(Worker worker) => this.worker = worker; 
    protected Worker worker { get; private set; }

public class AmountBonus : Bonus
    public AmountBonus(Worker worker) : base(worker: worker) { }
    public override float Salary
            return worker.Salary +200;


  static void Main(string[] args)
        var driver = new Driver(3200);

        var driverSalWithBonus = new AmountBonus(driver);

Then main problem with your code was CountSalary method was not called anywhere and its not required. The second problem was Salary should abstract so that it can be overwritten in the child classes.

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