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Reverse DNS lookup in Python

If I have an IP address like 2001:4860:4860::8888

How can I get the fully qualified domain in the format foo.ip6.arpa ?

EDIT: Both the solutions so far give me google-public-dns-a.google.com - maybe Reverse DNS was the wrong name. For this I'd expect the output to be something like

using dnspython.

from dns import resolver,reversename

IPy provides methods for what you want:

>>> from IPy import IP
>>> ip = IP('')
>>> ip.reverseName()

Works for both IPv4 and IPv6, although the original IPy has a few bugs for IPv6. I created a fork with some extensions and fixes at https://github.com/steffann/python-ipy which you can use as long as the fixes haven't been merged back into the original code.


You can of course also use the built-in socket module:

>>> import socket
>>> socket.getnameinfo(('2001:4860:4860::8888', 0), 0)
('google-public-dns-a.google.com', '0')
>>> socket.getnameinfo(('', 0), 0)
('localhost', '0')

You need to provide a host+port tuple, but you can provide 0 for the port, and you'll get the hostname back.

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