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Reverse dns lookup with scapy in python

How can I do reverse DNS lookup using scapy in Python? I look for it in Google but I couldn't find related to this topic.

Reverse DNS is already written into Python's Socket module. Simply use the following:

 >>> import socket
 >>> socket.gethostbyaddr("")
 ('stackoverflow.com', [''], [''])

Which was originally posted here, Python lookup hostname from IP with 1 second timeout , by https://stackoverflow.com/users/81179/christophed

Ok. I have found my answerm and I want to share it in here, because someone could look for same thing. One line of code is enough to make a reverse dns query in scapy, which is:

sr1(IP(dst="")/UDP()/DNS(rd=1,qd=DNSQR(qname="", qtype='PTR')))

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