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Using virtualenv with sublime text 2

I am using sublime text 2 for python development along with virtualenv!

The standard sublime text 2 build system uses the standard python install rather than my virtualenv where my packages are installed.

How can I get sublime text 2 to build using my virtualenv?

I currently use the terminal to activate my environment and run my scripts.

UPDATE: Never got it working, but seeing as i am using flask and it builds when you make a change, it's not a big issue

You can also set the path for the build system to the bin directory of your virtualenv, like so:

        "selector": "source.python",
        "env": {"PYTHONPATH":"/Users/user/project"},
        "name": "Run virtualenv python",
        "cmd": ["python", "-u", "$file"],
        "file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",

        "variants": [
            {   "name": "Run all Tests",
                "working_dir": "/Users/user/project",
                "cmd": ["nosetests"]

This also allows other tools, like nose in the example, to find the correct python binary from the virtualenv.

In windows this works for me:

    "name": "Run Tests",
    "working_dir": "/path/to/to/your/django_project",
    "cmd": ["/path/to/your/virtualenv/bin/python.exe", "manage.py", "test"]

Sublime's Build System supports variables which can be used with Sublime project files to make this a bit more portable across projects.

If your virtual environments are in a standard spot, create a new project file (Project -> Save Project As) into the root directory of your project just above your virtual environment directory. Then create a new build file with something like this:


    "cmd": ["$project_path/venv/bin/python", "-u", "$file"]


It seems to then pick up the rest automatically - the same as if you typed ./venv/bin/python from the command line - no need to mess with paths, environment variables, etc.

I'm using Flask, but I think it's apply to nearly every case.
My actual build is like this, where "benicio" is the directory of my project:

    "cmd": ["source ~/projs/benicio/venv/bin/activate && python ~/projs/benicio/benicio_tests.py"],
    "shell": true

Sorry to add yet another answer to this - but this caused me a large amount of grief figuring this out.

Not only do you need to make a build system like:

    "name": "Maths",
    "env": {"PYTHONPATH":"/home/nebffa/Desktop"},
    "cmd": ["$project_path/bin/python3.3", "-u", "$file"]

but you HAVE to change a setting in Sublime Text - go to Tools --> Build System --> "Maths". In my case I need to choose "Maths" because that's what I named my build system. If you don't do this - Sublime Text does not use your build system!!

I have just got sublime text 3 to working in a virtualenv. Although the OP specified ST2, there all likely more like myself who are using ST3. Thanks to user1248490 and Russell Beattie I arrived at the following:

    "shell_cmd": "$project_path/vi_sys_pkgs/bin/python3 -u \"$file\"",
    "path": "$project_path/vi_sys_pkgs/bin",
    "file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
    "selector": "source.python"

Note that "cmd" is now "shell_cmd" in ST3. See ST3 blog

Under MAC OSX, this works for me

"cmd": ["/your/virtualenv/bin/python", "-u", "$file"]

What i did was keep it simple:

Went to root drive and created python folder:

sudo mkdir python

then went in there and created the virtualenv

virtualenv --no-site-packages virtualenvname

then created a newbuild in ST2 with the above command and it works

This is what I have as a build system (assuming my virtualenv is created as a folder called 'env' in my current project directory). This at least means I don't need to constantly change the build system between projects:

   "cmd": ["env/bin/python", "-u", "$file"]

I saved this as a New Build System (Tools -> Build System -> New Build System).

I use this to build my Flask project. I have added the following code to my Project Settings: Project -> Edit Project

               "path": "/C/MyDev/chilinzb/"
            "name": "Flask",
            // activate the specific virtualenv for the project
            "cmd": ["C:/MyDev/virtualenvs/env_chilinzb/Scripts/python", "$file"]

and then I just switch to my run.py file and hit Ctrl+B

this combination worked great:2 steps

1) add the 2 appropriate keys to the 'env' key. A) DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE B) PYTHONPATH

2) update cmd to reflect the version of python you want to use.


"cmd": ["c:/Python27/python.exe","$file"]

I have an answer for anyone who uses Heroku and uses their foreman tool, and it works great. Simply create a new build system like so:

    "cmd": ["foreman", "run", "python", "-u", "$file"],
    "file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
    "selector": "source.python"

This pulls in all of the environment variables available to Foreman, including your virtualenv's $PATH variable, which adds the virtualenv Python to your python path.

source did not work for me inside the build on lubuntu. use '.' or dot instead of 'source'.

this did work:


    "env": {
"cmd":[". /home/my_username/.virtualenvs/django_project_name/bin/activate && python $file"],


this worked for me:

    "cmd": ["C:/Users/user/virtualenvs/env1/Scripts/python.exe", "-u", "$file"],
    "file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
    "selector": "source.python"

saved build in:

"C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Roaming\\Sublime Text 2\\Packages\\User\\"




Tools> Build System> Python_env1


using windows 8.1, st2

Assuming you keep your project-specific virtualenv in an .env-folder on the top level of your project.

  1. Sublime > Project > Save project as... (if you haven't already. This will allow you to set custom build options for the project
  2. Project > Edit Project:

     { "folders":[ { "path": ".", "folder_exclude_patterns": [".env"], } ], "build_systems":[ { "name": "Run in VirtualEnv", "shell_cmd": "source $project_path/.env/bin/activate && python -u $file" } ] } 
  3. Tools > Build System > Run in VirtualEnv

  4. Tools > Build

Please note that this was tested with Sublime Text 3.

Note comments about this solution being incorrect.

You have to edit your sublime-project file and add the following:

    "name": "Run Tests",
    "cmd": ["source", "/path/to/your/virtualenv/bin/activate"],
    "working_dir": "/path/to/to/you/django_project",
    "cmd": ["python", "manage.py", "test"]

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